Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Crawljammer #1 -- What's Going to be in the First Issue?

The first issue of CRAWLJAMMER is not quite complete yet, but to whet your appetite, here's how the table of contents is looking right now. 24 pages of goodness, due to be released by the end of January:

8 True Facts about Crawljammer

Adventuring in Outer Space and on Alien Planets

Lizardman Mercenary Character Class

Crawljammer Ships

Cosmologogy of Crawljammer

Cry Freedom and Let Slip the Bat-Men of Venus, Part 1: An Adventure

Random Table: Ship-to-Ship Combat Fumbles

CRAWLJAMMER is a solo project right now, though I would love to have contributors for future issues, so if you'd like to write up an adventure or some new spacefaring tech or a new character class or some random tables, or if you're of the artistic bent and you'd like to draw something space-tastic, please email me at TCallah AT gmail DOT com and I can add you to Team CRAWLJAMMER.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: My son has come up with a Zero-Level Lizardman Occupation generator, so that will be included in the first issue as well. Your all-Lizardman funnel is a go!
