True Facts about Crawljammer
Adventuring in Outer Space and on Alien Planets
Lizardman Mercenary Character Class
Crawljammer Ships
Cosmologogy of Crawljammer
Cry Freedom and Let Slip the Bat-Men of Venus, Part 1: An Adventure
Random Table: Ship-to-Ship Combat Fumbles
CRAWLJAMMER is a solo project right now, though I would love to have contributors for future issues, so if you'd like to write up an adventure or some new spacefaring tech or a new character class or some random tables, or if you're of the artistic bent and you'd like to draw something space-tastic, please email me at TCallah AT gmail DOT com and I can add you to Team CRAWLJAMMER.
UPDATE: My son has come up with a Zero-Level Lizardman Occupation generator, so that will be included in the first issue as well. Your all-Lizardman funnel is a go!